Blog of Interest

Tuesday, February 07, 2012 3 Comments

A gentleman named Steve Wozniak has spent the past few years traveling in a quest to catch 1000 different fish species. The first time I heard about him was in early 2010, in a report by the IGFA, as he was nearing 900. Two years later he has surpassed a thousand fish and last time I checked he was at #1094. His new goal is 2000.

I love to check into his blog here and there as I am always delighted. Its an angling pursuit that seems rare, to document accurately how many fish species you have caught and specifically target new species rather than trying to catch the largest. Some of the pictures do show large fish, many however are only several inches.

If your interested I have posted a link here and will repost it permanently under my fishing blogs section.
1000 Fish Blog

Just out of curiosity I created a list of my species list. I was disappointed as it is far smaller than I would have liked, as avid an angler as I am. My list was 21....

Now granted, there are fish that I did not count. I know I have caught several bullhead for example, but I am clueless as to which species and so I didn't count them, or for example I vaguely remember catching an eel when I was young, though the memory is so faint and I was so young it very well could have been a gar.

So as a side angling project I would like to expand my own list. Taking care to accurately record and document the species. At the top of my list are ones which should be easy in Kansas: Blue Catfish, Warmouth, Sauger, Longear Sunfish, and Black Bullhead.


FishnDave said...

I love adding new species to my life-list and fly-rod list. You'll do great! I look forward to reading your reports!

I've never really sat down and counted species caught , might have to do that sometime.
Between the four state region around here there would be countless species you could eventually target.

Atlas said...

Well headed to Key West this week to tangle with some Salt Water species for the first time. Should be enjoyable and would love to hook into some Jacks, Barracuda, and if I am lucky a Tarpon, Permit, and Bonefish would be much welcomed.