Engaged at Horseshoe Bend

Our Engagement Story: I had been planning this trip for months. I thought, if the bride gets to have a wedding in her fashion, the groom should be able to propose in a similar manner, and for me that meant a trip to somewhere breathtaking. Somewhere where my girl and I could be in our element, outdoors, enjoying each others company and the awe afforded only by the raw natural. So I began my research simple enough. Google. I looked up images for the most beautiful places in the United States and was soon overwhelmed with the beauty of Antelope Canyon. I quickly decided this is where I would propose. To my lady, I sold the trip as a graduation trip from nursing school and together we spent the next several months planning. We would fly into Vegas, spend the day there and then make our way towards Page Arizona where unbeknownst to her I would propose at Antelope Canyon, we would fish the next day at Lee's Ferry and then head south to the Flagstaff region for a few days before flying out of Phoenix.

However, things rarely go according to plan. From the start our plane was severely delayed at Kansas City Airport. I sat in the terminal trying to remain optimistic, focused on the purpose of the trip, and unwilling to become too overwhelmed with the various excuses given by the airline. Thirteen hours later than expected and very tired we arrived in Vegas. I was glad to be there but deeply concerned with how this setback would effect my meticulously crafted timeline. After deliberation, soon it was decided between us that we would spend an extra day in Vegas and arrive at Page the day after. However, instead of visiting both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon we would aim for just the upper canyon and see how much time we had after. This presented a problem for me, you see wanting the proposal to be something of a private affair I had intended on proposing at the lower canyon, which was rumored to be less congested. However, now it remained uncertain whether we would even visit the lower portion due to time constraints (we had reservations at the upper canyon) and I will admit I was a tad flustered. Again, the entire purpose of this trip was to propose at this canyon and to do so in private. But being prepared I had a back up plan, if the canyon proved to be too crowded I would head south of Page a few miles to Horseshoe Bend in Glen Canyon, where I knew, or rather hoped, I would be able to find a private spot with a breathtaking vista.

Stuck at the airport but still happy.
Though I had the ring with me through our hike of Upper Antelope Canyon I did not propose. As I recalled in my
previous post, while awe-inspiring, the canyon was as I feared too crowded to provide the privacy I wanted for my proposal. As we left the canyon, I hoped Horseshoe Bend would prove equal in grandeur. Once we arrived and took the short hike from the parking lot, there was little doubt. This was a place of beauty and solace. This would be a place we would remember for the rest of our lives, and this is where I would propose.
After, we had walked around a bit and had taken some pictures of the canyon I began to look around for a spot that I could propose. It had to be close and it had to be private. Two large boulders to our right seemed to provide the answer. It would provide just the cover I needed to propose. However, once I walked over there Jane was reluctant to join me. Who can blame her, why leave the awesome view of the canyon to come see some random boulder…
So I told her, fictitiously, that there was a really cool lizard on the boulder that she NEEDED to see. Lame I know, but I was desperate. She reluctantly came over, I dropped to one knee and found the courage to ask what may have been the most important question of my life. I asked her to marry me, and she said yes!
And as it turned out, we did see a lizard on that boulder.
I couldn't be happier, Jane is my best friend, my partner in crime, and my strength. I cannot wait to be able to call her my wife and am eager to see what life has in store for us. She truly is the love of my life. And that day at Horseshoe Bend and the spectacular views, those are memories I am certain we will never forget.
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