New Blog Look

This blog is going into it's sixth year and during that whole time it has had one format. I liked the look and it was great for pictures but it was time for a change. My primary impetus for the change was someone bringing it to my attention that while a black background makes the pictures jump out at you, white lettering is tough on the eyes and was difficult for people to read. Secondly, I just wanted something cleaner and more professional looking. I am really happy with how it turned out but would be curious what you guys think as well. My next step and it may be a while before I find the motivation/energy will be to transfer the domain to it's own address rather than a blogspot address, but that change will be in the future after I do more research. For now I like how it has turned out and am very happy at the change. A big thank you to Michael over at Troutrageous! and to Matt Gibson from the Outdoor Bloggers group on Facebook for your guy's initial direction and input. Finally and most importantly I could not have done this without the help of
Denis from, he really took the time to put into reality the look for the blog as I envisioned it. He was quick to respond and I would highly recommend him to others if you are looking to do some code work on your blog that may be over your head.
I like the new look. I guess some of us are restless souls that like change. A few points that I would like to mention are, you are missing one of my favorite blogs, Windknots something or other. Also, I have found that cleansing old blogs that haven't updated in several months or more, keeps you blog list fresh and less dead links for your readers.
looks great! :)
Sorry Howard, I had thought I had added you to my blog roll already, I am sorry for that I will fix that this afternoon.
I like it!
Thank you TexWis! I really like it as well.
Mission accomplished...Looks great!!
It seems you and I are in tune, I have changed my blog only once since its inspection; time is my enemy when it comes to blog editing at this time. I like the new look---thanks for sharing
Looks good all the way out to California so that should cover the rest of the country. When you got Mike to help you, you picked right. He helped me roll mine from Blogspot to .com and it was as simple a pie.
Yep going to a .com will be next. I am glad you guys enjoy the new look. The help from everyone and the technical help from Denis was awesome, I would highly recommend him.
Thanks for the add my friend. :) I'm just curious about the advantages to switching to a .com or switching to a non-blogger looking format.
Like the new look (& thanks for the shoutout). When the time comes to get your URL, check out Google Domains...
They have a one click integration with existing blogger blogs, couldn't be more simple.
Howard, from what I understand switching to a .com site helps with traffic and link backs to your blog. In the end I do this blog for me but it is always nice to know people are reading it.
Thanks Michael. I may send you an email about that.
(i have 2 hanging platform feeders, 1 platter on a pedestal, 1 tube feeder with mixed seed and 1 tube with thistle over winter. plus i scatter a bunch of scratch feed for those hordes of whistling ducks.) :)
Cool - that's a really sweet looking new set up!
Thank you Hibernation! I am quite fond of it myself.
LOOKS GREAT! Very nicely done. Hats off to you and everyone that gave you direction. Thanks for sharing
Really diggin' the new look, man! Clean, super clean!
Bryan, I am late too comment here. Might have something to do with my most recent post today. Busy, busy! Anyway, the new blog look is very nice. Clean and easy to read and get around on. Over the years, I have been a frequent re-modeler of my blog site. Kind of like changing the store front and catching new readers all in one.
Looks nice......mine hasn't changed format in way too long (but I'm just too lazy to update it!).
Thanks guys, it makes me really happy to hear the positive feedback.
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