White River
Bret and I, just before heading out on our first excursion into the river.
Bret gets the first fish, Rainbow on a Zebra Midge.
Stan the Man! Saturday the fishing was really tough. Even the most experienced anglers in the club were having a difficult time catching fish. That is except Stan, all day he was able to produce fish, over 30, and ended the night with a Brown Trout.
My first White River Trout, Rainbow on an Olive Wooly Bugger.
Beautiful Morning View of the White River.
Replica of the World Record Brown Trout: 40 lb 4 oz.
Replica of the State Record Rainbow Trout, 19 lb 1 oz. White River 1981.
Bret Landing a Rainbow, Crackleback.
Rainbow on a Green Wooly Bugger.
Small midge patterns worked well all week.
Green Soft Hackle
Another great looking rainbow from Bret.
Nice to see signs of spring, when we had snow in Lawrence last week.
Casting above some Ripples
Releasing a 2 lb Rainbow, caught on a Crackleback variation. One thing we noticed is that trout are deceptively small on camera. A 2 lb trout looks much smaller in a photo then say a 2 lb Largemouth.
First cast below the Dam, Bret catches an 8 lb Brown Trout, 24 inches, amazing fish Bret! Put up a great fight. Caught with guide Ron Yarborough from a boat. The water went up several feet during the night. Earlier that week Ron caught a Rainbow which released eggs once in the boat. This meant there could still be some Rainbow Trout spawning up near the dam so we tried an egg pattern to capitalize on this.
Fishing from Boat, below Bull Shoal Dam.
3 lb Rainbow, Zebra Midge.
Small but beautifully colored Rainbow
Bret lands another great fish, 4 lb Rainbow. San Juan Worm.
Okay, no where near the size of Brets Brown, but I still was able to catch my first Brown Trout on the White. Egg Pattern.
Tuesday we left for home but stopped at Mammoth Springs to fish the Spring River. This is at its source.
Bret wading the Spring River. Beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, we later learned from some guys at the Springfield that it is fished very heavily and few fish are released. We caught no trout that day.
Casting Line on the Spring River. May not have caught any trout but it was a beautiful river to wade on our last day.
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