Rig Series: Wacky Rig
The Wacky Rig was developed a few years ago in Japan. Since then it has apparently been boiling under the surface as the new secret of the Pro's. The problem with professional tournament angling is if your matches are televised your technique is bound to get out. However, unlike most new techniques billed as the hot new thing in fishing--this rig works. Let me reemphasize, it really works well and will help catch a lot of bass. I promise.
To fish it simply cast along side a fallen timber pile, under low brush, in holes in a weed bed. Let the worm fall straight down to the bottom, let it sit for a few seconds then jerk the worm up and let it fall again. Strikes will almost always come on the fall. If this fails try slightly moving your rod tip up and down as the worm falls to impart more action. If fish are there you will get a bite.
A sensitive rod is crucial for this approach in order to feel the fish take the worm. Most often they will tap the worm a few times like a Walleye and then you will see your line start to move. When this happens reel in your slack and set the hook. If you attempt to set the hook too early or before you have felt the fish fully on with your rod you will lose your worm as the bass is most likely just mouthing it.
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